This program consists of 8 private or small group classes in which members are instructed on the 9 foundational movements of CrossFit, as well as several other basic movements that are common to our weekly workout programs. These basic movements are used as building blocks to learn more advanced movements once they become part of our regular CrossFit programs.
Clients must show proficiency in the basic movements before they join our regular group classes. These basic movements include but are not limited to:
• Air Squat
• Front/Back/Overhead Squat
• Press/Push Press/Jerk
• Deadlift/Sumo Deadlift High Pull/Medicine Ball Clean
• Olympic Lifts – Clean and Jerk & Snatch
• Kettlebell Swings/Wallballs
• Pull-ups/Push-ups/Sit-ups
• Rowing/Running/Jumping Rope