
CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit

(No Measure)

Foam Roll/Mobility and Skill/Activation- 10-15 Minutes

Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm-up, Mobility Drills, fun Warm-up

Make up any one of the missed lifts from Monday-Wednesday (Back Squat, Push Press or Snatch)

Additional Skill Work:

Spend 15 Minutes Cycling through 3-4 Rounds -Not For Time:

5-10 Kipping Swings (Rings or Bar)

5-10 Strict Pull-ups (Band Assist as Needed)

3-5 Muscle-up Transitions, Jumping Muscle-up or Band Assisted Transitions

3-5 Strict HSPU or Wall Climb (Deficit/AbMat HSPU if needed)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Complete the WOD that corresponds with strength work that was made up


Additional Endurance WOD:

EMOM For 15 Minutes:

1) 15/10 Calorie Row

2) 15 Russian KB Swings

3) 5-10 DB Burpee Step-ups (20″)