Friday, January 25th

CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit

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Foam Rolling/Mobility

3 Minutes – Foam Roll Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, T-Spine and Lats

3 Minutes – Pigeon Pose/Hip Stretches + Glute Activation

2 Minutes – T-Spine/Lat Mobility and Activation


400m Run or 500m Row

Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm-up

Skill Work/Activation

50ft Heavy Single Arm Farmers Carry (Left)

10 Monster Band Clam Shells and Glute Bridges

50ft Heavy Single Arm Farmers Carry (Right)

10 Single Leg Deadlifts and Reverse Lunges

Front Squat (5×5)


Every 3:00 Minutes For 12 Minutes (5 Sets) Complete 5 Front Squats @ 75-80%


Overhead Squat (5×5)


Every 3:00 Minutes For 12 Minutes (5 Sets) Complete 5 OH Squats @ 75-80%


Deadlift (5×5)


Every 3:00 Minutes For 12 Minutes (5 Sets) Complete 5 Deadlifts @ 75-80% (If you deadlifted Tuesday, squat today)

Paused Goblet Squats (4×8)


Every 4 Minutes For 12 Minutes (4 Sets) Complete:

8 Paused Goblet Squats (3 seconds @ bottom of each rep)

12 (6 each side) Single Leg Deadlift

:20-:30 Hollow Hold or Rock

6 Shooter (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM For 12 Minutes:

6 Alternating DB Snatch (45/25)

Max Burpees In Remainder of Minute

*Score is total burpees completed

*RX+ 10 Alternating DB Snatches

*Level 2 – 35/20

*Level 1 – 25/15

*Athlete Notes – DB snatches should be completed unbroken in under 20 seconds each round, choose the appropriate weight. Complete as many burpees and take a short break before the minute ends, try to complete same amount of burpees each round.


4×6 Glute Ham Raise/12 (Each Side) Single Leg Glute Bridges

Additional Conditioning Work

2x1000m Row (4 minutes rest between efforts)