Thursday, December 14th

CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit

Foam Rolling/Mobility

3 Minutes – Foam Roll Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, T-Spine and Lats

3 Minutes – Calf and Ankle Mobility

2 Minutes – OH Mobility/Stability Drills


2-3 Minutes Jump Rope/Double Under Practice

Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm-up

Skill Work/Activation

50ft KB Bottoms Up Carry (Right)

10 KB Bottoms Up Press

50ft KB Bottoms Up Carry (Left)

10 KB Bottoms Up Windmills

Push Jerk (5×2)

Every 2 Minutes For 8 Minutes (5 Sets) Complete 2 Push Jerks (Start light and work on technique, build by feel)


Split Jerk (5×2)

Every 2 Minutes For 8 Minutes (5 Sets) Complete 2 Split Jerks (Start light and work on technique, build by feel)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 12 Minutes:

250m Row

10 Push Press (135/95)

20 Weighted Sit-ups (25/15)

RX+ Push Press (155/105)


Shoulder/Lat Accessory:

4×16 Alternating Single Arm DB Bench Press

4×12 Cuban Press

4×10 (Each Side) Single Arm DB Row

Core Accessory:

Tabata Hollow Rock