Friday, December 21st

CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Foam Rolling/Mobility

3 Minutes – Foam Roll Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, T-Spine and Lats

3 Minutes – Pigeon Pose/Hip Stretches + Glute Activation

2 Minutes – T-Spine/Lat Mobility and Activation


400m Run or 500m Row

Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm-up

Skill Work/Activation

50ft Heavy Single Arm Farmers Carry (Left)

10 Monster Band Clam Shells and Glute Bridges

50ft Heavy Single Arm Farmers Carry (Right)

10 Single Leg Deadlifts and Reverse Lunges

Back Squat (4×8)


Every 4 Minutes For 12 Minutes (4 Sets) Complete 8 Back Squats @ 70-80%

*Aim for the same or heavier than last week


Romanian Deadlift (4×8)


Every 4 Minutes For 12 Minutes (4 Sets) Complete 8 Romanian Deadlifts @ 50-60% of 1RM Back Squat *Aim for the same or heavier than last week

Tempo Goblet Squats (32X1) (4×10)


Every 4 Minutes For 12 Minutes (4 Sets) Complete:

10 Tempo Goblet Squats @ 21X1

10 Back Extensions

:20-:30 (Each Side) Side or Star Plank (Rest as needed between sides)

Freddy Krueger (Time)


KB Swings (70/53)


*Level 2 – 53/35

*Level 1 – 45/25

*Athlete Notes – 4-8 minute range. KB swings should be unbroken throughout, steady pace on burpees but push through and try not to stop!


4×8 Tempo Good Mornings @ 31X1/15 Glute Bridges

Additional Conditioning Work

Choose 2-3 “12 Days of Fitness” Tests

Posted in Workout of the Day.