June Member of the Month

June MOM - Sam Shinkle


Congratulations to our member of the month, Sam Shinkle!!!

Sam recently started a new schedule at work, but that hasn’t stopped her from keeping up with her training and making just as many classes as she had before. She doesn’t train when convenient, she trains when she can and makes sure to make it in, mixing it up between 6am, 9:30am, noon and afternoon/evening classes. Every time she’s in the box, she can be found quietly throwing down and giving her max effort on each workout without a single complaint ,and we love that about her.

Below are a few fun facts that you may or may not know about Sam.
What are your favorite movements? 

                Power Clean and Split Jerk

What is your least favorite movement?

               Front Squats

How did you get into CrossFit and how long have you been training?

I started getting ADD with the regular gym and also bored with bootcamp classes and wanted to push myself and be challenged. I took my first CrossFit class a little over 2.5 years ago and have been hooked ever since.

What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?

It helps you become a better version of yourself – stronger mentally and fitter physically. It is a daily progression and there really is no end to it.

What do you like most about CrossFit Vae Victis?

CrossFit Vae Victis is like a family and the WOD is not over until everyone is finished. We push each other to do the best we each can and never give up. There are good vibes all around and that’s why I love my box!

Favorite cheat food?

           TCBY frozen yogurt and Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Tell us one interesting fact about you others may not know.

          I constantly chew Extra Min Chocolate Chip gum, even when working out!

Name one goal or personal record you want to achieve in the next year?

        Butterfly pull-ups and more PRs!


Once again, congratulations go out to Sam, and check back next month for July’s Member of the Month!

Posted in Blog.