Monday, April 9th

CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit

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Foam Rolling/Mobility

3 Minutes – Foam Roll Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, T-Spine and Lats

3 Minutes – Calf and Ankle Mobility/Hip Mobility Drills

2 Minutes – OH Mobility and Stability Drills


2-3 Minute Jump Rope/Double Under Practice

Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm-up

Skill Work/Activation

Oly Warm-up (Clean and Jerk)

Clean and Jerk (9×1)


Every 90 Seconds For 12 Minutes (9 Sets) Complete Clean + Jerk @ approximate percentages:

55×2, 60×2, 65×2, 70×2, 75×2, 80×1, 80×1, 85×1, 80×1


Seated Shoulder Press (5×8)


Every 2:30 Minutes For 10 Minutes (5 Sets) Complete 8 Seated Strict Press @ 60-65% + 10 (Each Side) Single Arm DB Row

Metcon (Time)


100 Double Unders

15 Clean and Jerks @ 50% of 1RM

75 Double Unders

12 Clean and Jerks

50 Double Unders

9 Clean and Jerks

*RX+ 155/105

*Level 2 – 60/40/20 Double Unders

*Level 1 – 2:1 Single Unders/Optional DB Hang Clean and Jerk

*Athlete Notes – 8-10 minute range. Large sets on the rope and a weight you can move repeatedly without much rest.


Shoulder/Back Accessory:

3×10 – DB Arnold Press/30 Second DB Lateral Raise Hold/30 Second DB Front Raise Hold

Oly Accessory:

4×2 – 3 Position Clean Pulls @ 80%/4×5 Front Racked Sots Press

Additional Conditioning Work

5 Rounds For Meters: 1 Minute Row/1 Minute Rest

Posted in Workout of the Day.