October Member of the Month


October MOM - Jack Savidge

Congratulations to our member of the month, Jack Savidge!!!

Jack is a newer member here at CrossFit Vae Victis, but has been training for over a year now and it shows through in each class. Jack always puts in 100% effort during each workout, and is one of the nicest guys you will ever have the pleasure of knowing. He has shown consistent effort and a great work ethic in his training, and due to that, he has made great strides and achieved several PR’s since joining Vae Victis. Jack is an extremely positive influence in our community and we are very happy and honored that he chose us as his CrossFit family.

We also want to congratulate Jack again for his exemplary effort at the Festivus games, which was his first competition ever! We look forward to seeing his continuous progress and positive influence around the gym for years to come. Please congratulate Jack when you see him, and check out the write-up in the community section of our website at www.crossfitvaevictis.com.

We look forward to participating in the custom WOD that Pat will put together for Jack this month!

Below are a few fun facts that you may or may not know about Jack.


What are your favorite movements? 

                Kettlebells (swings and snatches) and rowing

What is your least favorite movement?

               I have found out that all of the movements I don’t like are the ones I need to work on the most. Top of that list is                   burpees. 

How did you get into CrossFit and how long have you been training?

 I have always been athletic and played soccer and lacrosse at the collegiate level. After college, I di some bike racing and  stopped as a CAT3 racer. Then life, job, family, etc. got a hold of me and before I knew it, I was stepping on the scale 20    months ago and found myself at 270 lbs and almost 47 years old. No way around it, I was a big fat old man. I wa determined to change things around because I wanted to be able to play basketball with my teenage sons or not fall down and break a hip. I needed something to work toward so I signed up for a Spartan Race and changed my habits, worked out at Planet Fitness and lost a bunch of weight. Aftre a while, i was lighter but I was not really getting fit. I was interested in CrossFit, but was very reluctant, because it seemed like a lot of stuff I could never do. Finally, I decided to give it a try and joined CF Turbocharged in October 2014. I discovered just how unfit and weak I was. I committed myself and slowly am getting stronger and fitter. This summer I made the move here to Vae Victis and couldn’t be happier with that decision. There’s still a long way to go, but I’m heading in the right direction!

What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?

I love the variety of the workouts. No two days are ever the same. I also love the team atmosphere, where everyone is pushing each other and encouraging one another to become better athletes.

Favorite cheat food?

           No contest, sausage pizza from Rexy’s in Mt. Ephram. It’s an hour there and back, but totally worth it!

Tell us one interesting fact about you others may not know.

          I’ve read every page of all 16 volumes of the Collected Works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Name one goal or personal record you want to achieve in the next year?

        I’m going to go big and say Ring MUPS. I’ve accomplished so much in 12 months, so why the heck not!


Once again, congratulations go out to Jack, and check back next month for November’s Member of the Month.

Posted in Blog.