CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit
Foam Rolling/Mobility
3 Minutes – Foam Roll Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, T-Spine and Lats
3 Minutes – Calf and Ankle Mobility
2 Minutes – OH Mobility/Stability Drills
500m Row
Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm-up
Skill Work/Activation
2 Rounds:
50ft Bottoms Up KB Carry (R)
10 Seated KB Press (5 Each Side)
50ft Bottoms Up KB Carry (L)
10 Single Arm KB Swings (10 Each Side)
1 Jerk Drive + 1 Push Press + 2 Jerks (5×1)
Every 2 Minutes For 8 Minutes (5 Sets) Complete 1 Jerk Drive + 1 Push Press + 2 Jerks @ 80-85% of 1RM Push Press
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
15m/12w Calorie Row
12 Push-ups
9 Ring Dips
Handstand Endurance 1 (AMRAP – Reps)
Comp Track:
EMOM For 10 Minutes:
Minute 1: 15m/12w Calorie Row
Minute 2: Max Rep Strict + Kipping HSPU
*Score is total HSPU minus any missed calories on the rows
3 Rounds Not For Time:
10 DB Front Raises
10 DB Bent Over Flies