Wednesday, April 25th

CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Foam Rolling/Mobility

3 Minutes – Foam Roll Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, T-Spine and Lats

2 Minutes – Calf and Ankle Stretches and Wall Quad Stretch

2 Minutes – Band Shoulder/Pec/Lat Stretches and Internal/External Rotation Mobility


400m Run or 500m Row

Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm-up

Como (Time)

Performance and Fitness:

800m Run (Buy-in)

Followed By Ten Rounds of:


6 Power Cleans (115/75)

12 Wallballs (20/14)

*RX+ 135/95 and 6” Deficit HSPU

*Level 2 – 95/65 and 2:1 Push-ups

*Level 1 – 75/55 and 2:1 Push-ups

*Athlete Notes – 20-30 minute range. Look to go unbroken on HSPU/PU at the start, breaking up as needed in deeper rounds. Cleans should be lighter and fast.

Posted in Workout of the Day.